Retirement Income Planning
Do you know exactly how much money you need to have in order to retire?
And where is the money coming from? Social Security, your 401k, a pension, your IRA?
What if the market struggles? And what about inflation?
It's no wonder many people spend more time planning for vacations than they do for retirement! It can be complicated.
We offer a customized written Retirement Income Plan that will provide vital information in an easy to understand format. The goal of our plan is to provide:
- The amount of money you will need to have to live your retirement in dignity with the income you desire
- A plan of action to achieve your goals
- The best way to draw from your retirement income streams (Social Security benefits, Pensions, Investments) to maximize your income
- Detailed projections for your current and future savings
- Tax planning to reduce your income taxes
- Rigorous testing of your plan based on historical returns both good and bad
- Investment concepts you must understand before you retire
If you don't know exactly how much money you will need to retire, and you would like to sit with us to figure it out, click here for the First Meeting Organizer. Once you submit a completed First Meeting Organizer, we will contact you to schedule an appointment for your complimentary first meeting. We look forward to meeting you.